Part 44: Pacifist playthrough - Otradnoye part 1
Pacifist playthrough - Otradnoye part 1

We already have more than enough Speechcraft to convince Katya to introduce us to Kovalev without having to go mushroom hunting, but we might as well. Collecting 50 mushrooms gives you the Kraina Grzybow achievement.

You can also start going for the Grave Robber achievement, but theres really nothing of value in the Otradnoye graves. One of them is "reserved", apparently.

But how are we going to get past all the varmints outside town?

By leading them directly to various friendly NPCs, of course.

Who take care of them quite easily. I appreciate that sort of immersive tactic being available. Almost got the town shepherd killed, but thats a sacrifice Im willing to make. No xp, but you do get to loot various bodyparts.

The town trader actually ran outside to help fight the insect scourge, and now has his rifle in hand even when he goes back to trading.

Its even in his shop inventory now, though I didnt bother buying it (cant think of a case where that sort of esoteric thing would be useful)
One of my mods lets you know just how high the "trader level" of the person youre trading with is (i.e, how little theyll pay for your wares and how much of a markup their own items will receive). In the base game, you just have to remember the cost of some random item in your inventory, and see how much less the trader will offer for it.
Generic NPCs have very little bargaining skills, traders in small settlements and on the road will have more, and the traders in Krasnoznamenny that you really want to trade with have A LOT. Which would mean you should sell your items anywhere other than the main KRZ traders, except everyone else has far more limited funds to buy your loot.

In the process of stealing everything the villagers own and trading it back for every ruble they have, I discover that Katya has this perfume (+1 to Personality) which I bought via sheer force of habit my last playthrough had a female PC.

While were at it, remember how TGEK said there isnt any ammo for the Old Hunting Rifle you get from the old man? Theres actually exactly one bullet you can buy in Otradnoye.

One shot is more than well ever need, anyway.

Pre-war Hunters Memo

Grisha booking it out of town. Telling Kovalev that you let him will turn him hostile, but he got away, oops is all the excuse we need. Had I wanted Grisha killed (which would be pointless you miss out on some content, but still wind up working for Dan in the exact same way), I probably could have kited him back to the guards (edit - that doesn't actually work). Or told Kovalev that I refuse, and hed have his men carry out the execution.

The fisherman has some advice for us, but more importantly, his fishing spot has a very important catch. First of all, we have to craft the right lure:

Some mushrooms, nails and corn result in a Weird Doll. Actually, Otradnoye has only 5 mushrooms, just enough for Katyas quest. You might be able to find some corn in the dumpster, but otherwise youll need all of it for the old mans quest. So either craft the doll later, when you find the ingredients elsewhere, or skip one \ both quests.

Coming back later would also mean youve got better Luck (from the Roaring Forest and certain items). But thats fine booze helps improve your luck (up to +2 per booze type).

Your luck stat can go up to 11, which helps if youre playing along, as the outcome of your fishing expedition is still up to random chance, even if you have the right bait and maximum luck.

Thankfully, one of the mods Im using assures I dont have to save-scum for the correct outcome.

Kind of a shame the fish doesnt get a portrait. Anyway, you get +1 to a stat of your choice (not including Luck).

The other interesting point of divergence the possessed person in Otradnoye. What happens is we find a more useful vessel for the demon than the pig?

[With unnatural speed, the madman hits you with his fist right between the eyes! The blow is so unexpected and swift, you have no time to react! For a moment, the world falls dark...]
[When you open your eyes again, the old man is watching you with both fear and gratitude. The madness is gone from his gaze. You get up and dust yourself off while trying to understand what just happened. However you try, a clear answer won't come to you]
[Although, you could swear you feel an unseen presence behind your back. Soon though, this creepy sensation goes away, leaving a strange emptiness and...] [ irresistible desire to talk gibberish]

Man, what are you trying to do to me? I was just starting to get better and now you're dragging me back into the abyss of madness. I used to be stone cold crazy. That demon was a figment of my sick imagination, nothing more. Maybe it's just stress that's making you think that he... uh... is inside you? Sounds horrible anyway.